Join us as Dr. Steven Ouelette (CTO, Kinasense) explains the challenges facing STEM graduates, and discusses strategies to prepare for and navigate a wide variety of emerging careers in industry.
6:30pm, Wedneday, May 31, 2017 at Bears Place, the back room

The STEM PhD Job Market: Landing a Career Requires Thinking Beyond Academia Early and Often The academic postdoctoral market has been described as a “crisis”, “bubble”, and “glut.” There are far more postdocs than the number of available careers that require academic postdoctoral training. This talk will give an overview of current data that shows why STEM PhD graduates should reconsider a postdoctoral appointment as the default career path. Strategies and resources for enhancing graduate training to promote career readiness will be discussed. Finally, a case study will be presented that demonstrates these strategies in action.